Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Home Goals

Have you heard the decorating mantra: finish one room before starting another?

Well, I've always operated under: start them all and never...finish...a

This year I'm adopting the first mantra, and am planning finishing each room, before starting the next. You see, I'm a self-diagnosed ADD crafter and it's really starting to get to me.

I've compiled a 2011 To-Do list here.

Per my husband's request, we've moved the back patio spruce-up to the top of the list:

Patio Spruce-up
-Recover rocker seat
-Sew new cushion covers
-Add seating, 2nd-hand hopefully
-Stain decking

3 years ago the patio looked great, but 3 Florida summers of humidity have taken a toll. I've learned my lesson, next summer I'm covering the furniture...who wants to hang out in 100+ degree sweltering humidity anyway? If we're not in the pool, we're inside. It's the WINTER we live for down here. Hence the patio spruce-up so we can enjoy it NOW.

Some glamour shots of the patio now:

Not too bad, right? Wait until you take a closer look...

Most of the furniture was bought when we lived in Charlotte, NC (the biggest treasure trove of salvaged furniture I know of). Since moving to FL I haven't had time to scout out shops, and am hoping to score big on Craigslist.

Rocking Chair (do you think it needs recovering?)

New loveseat pillow/cushion covers

Mildewed cushions, YUCK, and it doesn't come out in the washer:

New rug?

Redo Planters?

Easy Weatherproof Centerpiece?

Thankfully the hubinator is taking care of the cleaning/staining part of the list, as long as he doesn't have to come within 10 feet of the sewing machine.  I can't wait to get started--let me rephrase, I can't wait to be finished and start relaxing out there...

1 comment:

René said...

It seems like Florida would have great finds too. I used to live in Charlotte and now live in Greensboro and thrifting is good.


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