Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Road Trip Part Deux and Chillin' With Cousins

The trip back was somewhat uneventful (thank goodness), unlike our trip up, there was no poo smearing or vomiting. We drove during the day and spent the night in Atlanta.

By the time we made it to the hotel, the kids were ready to PAR-TAY!

Tommy was allowed to jump on the bed for the first time and could not get enough of falling.

We gave the kids a bath to try to freshen them up calm them down and it worked, but boy that ring around the tub was fierce! Elle threw one of her classic fits at bedtime and insisted Brandon sleep on the pull-out with her.

So I got to sleep with these two.
I love watching them sleep.

On the final stretch of the road trip, Tommy made it clear that he no longer liked his lollipops and was ready to be home.

LOVE the "Something About Mary" 'do.

When we got home my cousin Jenny was visiting with her family and my Uncle Tom.
Here is Jenny with Carson at Woody's on the beach. Carson, Uncle Tom, Tyler and Kevin

We went and swam with them at Mom and Dad's house. Elle whipped up lunch for us poolside.
I forgot my suit, so Jenny jumped in and played with Tommy.
I think she helped him get over his fear of the water because we can't get him out of the pool now!

The kids played Angry Birds together.

Tommy picked a movie for everyone to watch.

We celebrated Elle's birthday together, went to the splash park, and had a ton of fun.  We are definitely going to go visit them in Ohio next summer, the kids had a blast together and it's always fun to visit family and reminisce about the "old days".

Gotta run folks, until next time!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ohio Round-up, A Pizza Box Slipcover and Sofa Makeover

Wow, so much happened in the last week of our stay and I am about a month behind on blogging, so buckle in...

Heather and Jenny headed up to Columbus for a day of fun chaos at Firefly.

Heather is a new mom, but you would never know it. She is so laid back, much more than I ever was, and her daughter Maggie is such a sweetheart.

Jenny's twins Elaine and Ethan took a snack break.

Tommy joined them.

Khera and Elle were too busy to stop playing and pose.

Maggie was excited to see all the kids and action.

The kids all played really well together aside from the usual meltdown or three. It was difficult to have a real conversation, so we didn't get too much time to catch up. We headed to Panera for lunch and after bumping heads on light fixtures, Tommy eating dirt off the floor, a lot of playing and not much eating, we headed our separate ways.

Khera and Elle spent a couple days riding Uncle Ryan's horsey.

GJ also taught them how to wash windows.

I celebrated a thirty-something birthday. Brandon and GJ treated me to a last-minute 24 hour trip to Chicago to visit my friend Sara, where I took no photos (sniff, sniff).

Aunt Brooke took me to see Keith Urban.

What a great show, I need to download some of his music, NOW.

Her tickets were AWESOME, thanks Brookie!

We finished up a couple of sewing projects. Brooke inherited a table and chairs from Bumpa and Kathy this spring and we decided they needed a little makeover, what do you think?

Great bones, just a little 80s.

We added a pizza box.

St. Pete NEEDS a Donatos Pizza.

Then made slipcovers out of Home Depot drop-cloths.


GJ's sofa also got a little bit of a makeover. Here are Nana and Tommy having some QT on the "old" version.

The cushions were over 20 years old and needed a little freshening up.

We replaced the 2 bottom cushions with one large one, and 2 back with 4 loose pillows.

Whew! What a whirlwind, we packed it up on Friday night and got on the road Saturday morning. We were so sad to leave, we had such a fabulous time catching up with family and friends. It always seems like no matter how long we stay (this time was for 4 weeks) it isn't enough time. We are so thankful that GJ opened her home again to us for the entirety of our trip, she helped us immensely with the kids, and gave us some freedom to go out with friends, on dates and sleep in! I think next summer she will probably wise-up and lock her bedroom door so the kids have no choice but to wake up Mom and Dad first thing.  Thank you again GJ for making our summer memories sparkle!

Stay tuned for part 2 of our road trip!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Surprise For GJ

Brandon's mom, Jane, or as we call her, GJ celebrated a monumental birthday this summer. We thought it would only be fitting to throw her a surprise party in honor of it.

Birthdays are a big deal to Mommies, we know all the effort that goes into the planning and executing of one, let's face it, we pretty much plan everyones but our own! In honor of the 100+ birthdays GJ has planned for her five children, they decided to get really sneaky and plan one for her! And boy was she surprised!

I can't quite tell if that's a happy or "I'm going to kill them!" smile.

Uncle Rob drove up from Cincinnati. He helped set up the drink bar and watched the kids while we got everything ready. Tommy was thrilled with his jello feeding skills.

Elle was glad to hang with her godfather.

Brooke did a lot of the shopping and pretzel making.

Nana came up from Cincy too, we had to keep it a secret from her, she has a track record of spilling the beans...

Kit also drove up from C-town. He "valeted" guests cars so GJ wouldn't suspect anything.

Cheryl brought some appetizers to share.

Sara, a friend, and Luana, a coworker, joined in the celebration.

Ryan and Amy brought a lot of food, purchased and wrapped the "big gift" that we all went in on.

Linda drove up from Kentucky.

I like the "beer in hand facebook shot" here ladies.

Uncle Bob and Karen came up, they also brought Nana. They didn't tell her what they were doing until they put her in the car...then she immediately started giving him directions--that's Nana for you!

We got GJ a coconut cake, her favorite.

Kit put on his tiara.

We sang happy birthday.

The girls helped GJ open her presents.

GJ had a big surprise...

An iPad2 from all the kids.

I think the funniest thing about this photo is the expressions on the girls faces...confused? what ARE they thinking about???

Khera is beaming here, she pulled off the surprise party without a hitch.

When the party was over, the sibs settled down to play Euchre on the back patio. I love playing cards.

I love playing cards with cocktails.

I love playing cards with cocktails, siblings/hubbie and fire pots.

All-in-all, a great celebration. Happy Birthday GJ! We hope this one was just as good as your 28th!