Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Road Trip Part Deux and Chillin' With Cousins

The trip back was somewhat uneventful (thank goodness), unlike our trip up, there was no poo smearing or vomiting. We drove during the day and spent the night in Atlanta.

By the time we made it to the hotel, the kids were ready to PAR-TAY!

Tommy was allowed to jump on the bed for the first time and could not get enough of falling.

We gave the kids a bath to try to freshen them up calm them down and it worked, but boy that ring around the tub was fierce! Elle threw one of her classic fits at bedtime and insisted Brandon sleep on the pull-out with her.

So I got to sleep with these two.
I love watching them sleep.

On the final stretch of the road trip, Tommy made it clear that he no longer liked his lollipops and was ready to be home.

LOVE the "Something About Mary" 'do.

When we got home my cousin Jenny was visiting with her family and my Uncle Tom.
Here is Jenny with Carson at Woody's on the beach. Carson, Uncle Tom, Tyler and Kevin

We went and swam with them at Mom and Dad's house. Elle whipped up lunch for us poolside.
I forgot my suit, so Jenny jumped in and played with Tommy.
I think she helped him get over his fear of the water because we can't get him out of the pool now!

The kids played Angry Birds together.

Tommy picked a movie for everyone to watch.

We celebrated Elle's birthday together, went to the splash park, and had a ton of fun.  We are definitely going to go visit them in Ohio next summer, the kids had a blast together and it's always fun to visit family and reminisce about the "old days".

Gotta run folks, until next time!

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