Friday, November 12, 2010

They're growing up

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Anyone know where this quote comes from? Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?
I just wasted way too much time reading through this quote list, and now you can too!

So the girls got their pictures back yesterday, and I dug out their old preschool shots for comparisons, and I can't believe how I blinked and they've grown up!!! They need to stop it right now, or they're going to banished to time out permanently.

I'm a big fan of Khera's hair short, especially glad to not have the post-bath hair brushing battles. 

Poor Elle, looks like she's starting to show signs of mommy's unibrow. 
I couldn't leave Tom-tom out of this he is hogging the racecar at the park yesterday.  He kept shouting "GO!" while he drove.  I haven't seen him this excited since his buddy Travis (sitting on the hood) lent him his basketball hoop. 

He's really getting into it here.  I think we're going to take him back again today since he loved it so much. 

I hope to mail the girl's school photos out this weekend, so all you grands, great-grands, aunts and uncles, keep your eyes peeled for an envelope from us!  Love yas!

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