Their very own Rapunzel outfits, braids and all!!
Elle was in her element, as you can see:
Tommy didn't know what to think, but he was enjoying his new haircut:
We celebrated Thanksgiving Thursday, and I hate to brag to all you northerners, but weather was so beautiful that we ate outside.
Khera was busy telling jokes:
Here's a sample for your enjoyment: "What did Polly parrot want for a snack for the 4th of July?"....."A Fire-Cracker!"
Tommy didn't get them.
We made our meal mostly Barefoot Contessa: Turkey Roulade, Gravy, Sausage Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, and it tasted great at the time, but later we all swelled so much, no amount of water could quench our thirst. I knew I over-cooked the turkey a bit when Khera said "Mommy, the turkey kinda tastes like hair!" Thanks for the vivid description K-bear. Good thing the gravy was great...
We practiced "Cheers" a lot:
Both girls had to sit on either side of Grandma:
Khera was kind enough to pose with both of us, she's really gunning for that life-size Buzz Lightyear for Xmas, not a chance sweetheart!
And someone should have posed with T-man, but he didn't care.
Papi was unable to join us this year because he's busy in China certifying aircraft engines, we missed him dearly but are thankful for his employment. He's going to be back for Xmas and has been loading down his sleigh with lots of loot from the streets of Shanghai. Can't wait to see you Dad!! We miss you tons!
We're thankful that throughout this year we've been able to see most of our family and extended family. We're thankful for every one's health and happiness. We're thankful for Brandon's employment, and the beautiful home he's provided. We're thankful for our parents who brought us into this world, who we no doubt drove crazy, but they loved us anyway, we're reminded of that every day when our kids pull the same tricks we did when we were their age. We're thankful that now they are our children's grandparents who have spoiled our kids with their time, love and loot.
We're both blessed to have such big families, that almost makes us want to add to our clan so they can experience what a gift it is. Almost, but not quite. Our hands are very full right now. Grandma, Papi, GJ and Bumpa, we salute you.
And now, I've got to go, I've been waiting all year to decorate for Xmas, and now's my chance. Gotta go get crackin' on that to-do list! Love yas, Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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