Tommy's been up to his usual tricks, playing in the toilet, climbing, hiding, etc. Here he is posing as a beach towel:
He's become very fond of broom ball:
And he still finds time to pitch in with the housework:
We've been so thrilled that the weather has cooled off, have I told you I LOVE JACKET WEATHER!!! Rather than sweating bullets eating popsicles on the front stoop, we're now fueling up with HONEST juice pouches.
We're so thankful to burn off all that excess energy we saved up over the sweltering summer by swinging, sliding, and making grass angels (practice for the snow in O-H...I-O)
I even managed to pry a smile out of Elle:
Khera never disappoints:
And Tommy is followin in his pop's footsteps practicing his paper boy moves:
Oops, there we go T-Man:
I've been spending many late nights with my old boyfriend:
We've been working like 2 elves in the kitchen making Christmas stocking stuffers, children's clothing, and birthday presents galore. Here's a couple sneak peeks of what we've been up to while the hubs has been out of town:
I can't wait to break out all of my Christmas decor!!! I'm not sure I'll be able to wait 2 weeks... Peace to all the US Veterans out there, thank you for your selfless service to our country.
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