On her actual birthday, mother nature surprised us with a little snowfall up in C-bus.
T watched the flakes melt once they landed on the driveway.
She is such a good big sister...sometimes she even melts my heart.
Elle, or as GJ likes to call her "Rosario Jr.", was busy sweeping the snow. I think she may be the next Martha Stewart, you heard it here first folks! She insisted on wearing THE dress while sweeping with leggings and leg warmers--you always have to be fashionable while cleaning...
Here's a little video of her that day:
After the kids thawed out we had cupcakes to celebrate.
Bumpa and Kathy had a mini celebration at their house with cupcakes as well, they even got special cupcakes so Tom-tom could get in on the birthday action.
Back home in FL, we celebrated with mini cupcakes.
And mini cookies catered by Tarjay.
I love me some chocolate mini cupcakes...
To celebrate with her friends, Khera had an "almost sleepover". (Definition - dinner, cupcakes, play and a movie with friends in pajamas, BUT the kids go home around 8:30pm.)
Here they are watching their movie in the playroom. Even Tommy watched with his trains.
Khera is so proud to announce now:
Here she is in her shoe-tying glory!
She brought this home from school, and I melted...
"Mommy she taek cher of me, she giaves me a hlfie breckfist, she giaves me a bath."
And I will leave you with this confession that came home in her folder last week.
Khera has just discovered the culinary greatness of King's Hawaiian Sweet Buns.
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