A small part of me has enjoyed the excuse to slow down, the rest of me is chomping at the bit to get some work done around here!
The kids have been taking it easy, doing a great job sharing their germs with each other.
I love it when they snuggle together.
Elle was home sick all this past week, and Tommy stayed home Friday. I've learned Tommy prefers Club crackers, and Elle, saltines.
He gets me every time.
I forgot to mention, we had a round of chop jobs in the kitchen. Everyone made out with some hair still intact.
I was amazed when Tommy begged me for a turn, I thought for sure it would be a 3 person job like it usually is.
Elle decided to keep her bangs, not that she had a choice in the matter.
And Khera just got a little trim.
The sillies have been playing together more lately, and I am truly thankful for that. Time spent away from the train table is an immeasurable gift. In this case, Khera and Elle taught a music class (note the sign on their bedroom door).
Here are the "children" in their class, I was surprised even Cinderella and The Beast came to polish up on their music skills.
I don't know why, but this cracks me up. Does it look as comfortable to you as it does to me?
Tommy is good with the harmonica believe it or not.
And Elle is a fantastic multitask-er, playing the xylophone, maracas and bells all at the same time!
While the girls played, Tommy took liberties and rummaged through the girls goodies.
And that about catches us up!
Groundhog day was Thursday and Khera tallied our guesses on whether the groundhog would see its shadow. As you can see Tommy and I ended up predicting that we will have another six weeks of winter.
Nice choice my boy! Nice choice!
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