It was an insane couple of days, getting everyone from point A to B, and gave me a new found respect for anyone who is caring for a parent in addition to their own children. I know my parents and in-laws have done that on many occasions, and I truly don't know how they managed. It felt like the only thing holding us all together was a strip of duck-tape and a prayer.
Thank God Mom is okay. After we got her squared away at home, the only way we could bribe the girls to go back home (because they LOVE staying at Grandmas, but she needed some rest) was with paint.
Painting is usually a messy adventure--not one my "controlling" side likes to take. But once in a while we drag out all the brushes and paint and have some fun.
Notice Elle's chocolate milk goatee..
They were painting Christmas trees, Elle chose purple and pink, naturally.
After painting, we watched Shrek together, and I finally fell into that overdue coma, sitting up with mouth open. NICE.
This morning Tommy "made messy", again.
Then played cars, he's still a little crusty from his oatmeal...
I played with the manual focus on my camera:
The girls played nicely together in the playroom:
They were making something on their
Who knew all you needed was some potholders, playfood and a xylophone?
And Tommy played airport in socks 18 mos too small for him:
Alright, gotta go drown myself in laundry. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend. WHO-DEY! Don't embarrass us again this weekend guys!
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