I finally got them to put crayon to paper and make out their lists to Santa.
This one cracks me up, Elle's quite the actress:
Huh? Who ever thought a girl this "princess-ey" would ask for Batman/Robin PJs?
Kher-bear thought she was finished here:
But we had to add a "P.S.":
We've added some more items to the list since these photos: Disney DVDs, slinky dog, Toy Story action figures, Zhu-zhu pets, stamp sets, Leapfrog Tag books, stencil sets, jewelry making sets...
The girls are really getting into Christmas this year, and we can't wait to see their little surprised faces. They are going to have about 4 Christmases this year 2 in FL and 2 in OH, they are in no way deprived.
Oh by the way, next time you go to make grilled cheese, don't deprive yourself either. While you're making a couple plain ones for the kids slap together this little gourmet treat! This is a quick and easy favorite in our home, and takes the same amount of time to make a regular grilled cheese.
Pesto Grilled Cheese [recipe]
2 slices of bread (we usually use whole grain whole wheat, but italian works best)
1/2-1 T butter
4 slices tomatoes (roma or plum are best)
shredded mozarella
Melt butter in pan (you can butter the outside of your bread too, of course it's more delicious that way, but our hearts and rears will thank us later). Meanwhile spread jarred pesto on the insides of your bread:
Then place one piece of bread in the pan, pesto-side UP.
Layer in this order:
More Mozarella
Bread (other piece pesto side DOWN)
Cook them for about 3 minutes on each side over medium heat. I couldn't wait that long and was starving, so I pulled it out of the pan too soon, but it was still good.
This goes great with a frozen soup, I love the Tabatchnik brand (split-pea, black bean, tuscany lentil--our home's faves), or a good old Campbell's soup.
Try this on a lazy cold night when you've got better things to do than cook dinner. Stay warm and happy holidays!
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