As you can see, I set the bar REALLY high when Khera was a baby and taking 2 naps per day.
In 2006 we had a handmade Christmas card:
The next year it took us over 250 shots like these to get the kids to smile.
Somehow I missed this one when I was sorting through the photos, it would have made a great card.
And here's our card in 2007, Khera was almost 2 and Elle 6 months:
The next year we took the kids downtown to explore the Christmas lights.
Khera finally outgrew her mullet and passed it down to Elle.
And, our 2008 card:
The next year Tommy joined the family and we tried a shot by the tree, but forgot to put pants on Elle. Oops!
You can see Tommy developing an affinity for trains way back then...
And here's our 2009 card:
The next year I made coordinating Christmas outfits for the kids and wanted to get a picture of them to send out in a card. But they were too busy to pose for me...
I snagged a couple shots, but not one all together as I had hoped. And in case you'e wondering why Elle isn't wearing hers, I think she only wore it for about a 1/2 hour and then the jig was up.
And last year's card, 2010:
What do you do with your family Christmas cards each year? We keep ours in an airtight baggie inside my stocking. It's so fun to check out how the kids have changed with each card.
So, if I haven't bored you to sleep during this post yet, are you wondering what our card is going to look like this year?
Maybe it will be this one with Tommy sporting his gold chains?
Or one from the wedding?
Well, you'll just have to wait and see!
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