He did try the icing, so it was a minor success. Here he is cheering himself on. Khera used to do this, I just can't help but giggle when it happens.
I don't know how they managed to do this, but Tommy's teachers have turned my hat-less wonder into a hat-loving fiend. It's taken us 2 1/2 years to get here and I am loving every second of it.
He had his Thanksgiving feast at school this week and we brought the dessert. My friend Andi donated eyeballs to the cause. Thanks Andi! Word is there wasn't a turkey left after snack time.
Elle took a turn wearing Tommy's headdress.
For their feast they sported these adorable pilgrim hats.
Elle came home one day as a pilgrim:
And a little trip down memory lane....
Some more goodies while we're on "the lane"...
Looks like Tommy enjoys getting his photo taken just as much as Daddy!
And onto kitchen business. Well we started the kitchen endeavor many, many months ago. You probably don't even remember what I'm talking about. But we've chipped away, shopped our home and are nearing completion!
The cafe curtains are finished by some miracle--a miracle named Grandma that took the girls for a sleepover and gave me time to finish them. Thank you Grandma!
A new linen cork board replaced the ribbon board. It was a plain Walmart find, and I added the linen, extra trim and painted the frame.
Here's the clock that needs a makeover, I got it IKEA about 10 years ago. I want to paint the frame a funky color. Any ideas? Army green? Copper? I'm at a loss, please send ideas my way!
We finally put up the Ballard recessed light/pendants I bought with Amar last Christmas. (yes, my Halloween balloons are still up, because i.love.them.)
We've been playing musical shades, I'm still not sold on these seeded glass ones from HD. Should I try drum shades? Or a Serena & Lily knock-off? Since two of these babies cost $450, it would definitely need to be a DIY.

My friend Lisa, from Spotted Hen Designs, refinished a couple of hand-me-down bar stools from our Charlotte, NC house. She does fantastic work, definitely check out her blog if you get a chance, did I mention her prices are extremely reasonable? I have list a mile-long of things I want her to paint, in the meantime I'm saving up my pennies and prioritizing it.
I still have a couple of things to wrap up in the kitchen, a shade makeover for the kitchen table pendant and some artwork. Hopefully this time it wont take me 7 months!