They picked out the cake, I wish I could say we had enough energy to make it ourselves, but we didn't! Sorry Pops!
Papi and Grandma joined in the celebration.
The kids helped Daddy blow out the candles.

The girls organized a game of pin the tail on the donkey.
Elle assured us that she was NOT cheating...
We had a fun day thanks to all the live entertainment provided by the kids. It was sweet to see them take such an interest in planning a party for someone else. Usually all the birthday talk we hear is about what they want to do for their next birthday.
Earlier this summer my friend Andi took us for a play date to the gardens at the new Dali museum. It was so beautiful that we decided to take Brandon there for an impromptu birthday treat.
Here we are at the entrance, someone graciously offered to take our photo.
They have an amazing living wall, I need one of these...
You can see the Pier and marina in the distance. A perfect setting for museum.
In the garden, the kids had fun hopping from one stone to the next following the trail. Reminds me of the stones in my grandpa's backyard when I was young.
Of course you must have some surreal sculpture, aren't those windows fantastic? And the bench...
They have a maze for the kids to explore. Super Fun!
So many details on the grounds...
And the cafe, gardens, view, furniture...I die.
Someday I hope to actually go into the museum and marvel at the collection. We tried this weekend and the line was like 200+ deep, so we will have to try again another time.
OK, gotta run, next post is about our first day of school this year. To brush up on last year's account, click here. Until next time!