Birthdays are a big deal to Mommies, we know all the effort that goes into the planning and executing of one, let's face it, we pretty much plan everyones but our own! In honor of the 100+ birthdays GJ has planned for her five children, they decided to get really sneaky and plan one for her! And boy was she surprised!
I can't quite tell if that's a happy or "I'm going to kill them!" smile.
Uncle Rob drove up from Cincinnati. He helped set up the drink bar and watched the kids while we got everything ready. Tommy was thrilled with his jello feeding skills.
Elle was glad to hang with her godfather.
Brooke did a lot of the shopping and pretzel making.
Nana came up from Cincy too, we had to keep it a secret from her, she has a track record of spilling the beans...
Kit also drove up from C-town. He "valeted" guests cars so GJ wouldn't suspect anything.
Cheryl brought some appetizers to share.
Sara, a friend, and Luana, a coworker, joined in the celebration.
Ryan and Amy brought a lot of food, purchased and wrapped the "big gift" that we all went in on.
Linda drove up from Kentucky.
I like the "beer in hand facebook shot" here ladies.
Uncle Bob and Karen came up, they also brought Nana. They didn't tell her what they were doing until they put her in the car...then she immediately started giving him directions--that's Nana for you!
We got GJ a coconut cake, her favorite.
Kit put on his tiara.
We sang happy birthday.

The girls helped GJ open her presents.
GJ had a big surprise...

An iPad2 from all the kids.
I think the funniest thing about this photo is the expressions on the girls faces...confused? what ARE they thinking about???
Khera is beaming here, she pulled off the surprise party without a hitch.
When the party was over, the sibs settled down to play Euchre on the back patio. I love playing cards.
I love playing cards with cocktails.
I love playing cards with cocktails, siblings/hubbie and fire pots.
All-in-all, a great celebration. Happy Birthday GJ! We hope this one was just as good as your 28th!
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