She knew she looked "gorgeous-y". Her socks/sandals, whistle, earrings and headband were my favorites. She was dressed to IM-PRESS that day, I Love It!
We thought it would be fun to do a little video of each one so we could remember their little voices and how sweet they are. Please try to ignore my voice, why does it annoy me so much???
Elle's Interview:
Khera's Interview:
I tried to get them to take a serious picture together, key-word: tried.
They are goonies.
Elle's party was at a neighborhood park. They order pizza, had fruit, and a special dessert--Cold Stone Ice Cream Sandies:
I waited and waited for her to finish, so I could swoop in and and finish it for her...I got tired of waiting and ended up chasing after Tommy.
He kept running up to every (parked) white car asking to go "HOME!"
Apparently he hasn't gotten the memo that we no longer drive a white sedan.
He finally gave up asking and played on the playground. He did some climbing...
and my personal favorite, throwing tire mulch...
I find that cr@p EVERYWHERE!
Khera had her end of year bowling party that day also, siblings were not invited so we couldn't join her, but she had a blast. Daddy took an early lunch break and popped in on her there.
Khera and Ms. Moore:
Khera and Ms. Yeomans:
Ms. Moore and Mrs. Yeomans have really helped Khera blossom this year, I've never seen teachers truly connect with kids the way they do. I'm so happy that Elle will be in Ms. Moore's class next year, and 2 years later so will Tommy. At Tommy's party I will no doubt be shedding a tear or two, we cannot imagine life without Ms. Moore.
That's all for now, stay tuned for an update on what we've been up to lately!