Last month our world was rocked. My mother had a terrible accident and broke her back in 3 places, broke both feet and right ankle. While this sounds horrifying, I am comforted by the thought that it could have been much worse--we could have lost her--forever. I have no words to describe how thankful I am for her life and how God works in mysterious ways and somehow He was there with protecting her head from injury. She was air-lifted to the closest trauma hospital which is thankfully less than a 10 minute drive from our home. We set-up our "home-base" at our house, within 24 hours my 3 siblings flew in, and Dad (who was in China at the time of the accident) joined us as soon as he could.
For the first week we spent a lot of time with Mom in the ICU trying to lift her spirits and get her emotionally through her surgeries, meanwhile the kids did their part to entertain us with their silliness.
We spent A LOT of the time on cell phones, iPhones and landlines relaying details to close family and friends.
While waiting through endless hours of surgeries, we became Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja addicts...and so did the kids.
During times like these, it's easy to forget to eat, but the kids reminded us on an hourly basis.
So when we actually got around to eating, we also felt like sleeping.
They were the most perfect Valentine's anyone could ask for...
And they also provided us with plenty of comic relief.
Everytime we went into the backyard, Anushka would throw herself onto the pool net--getting her clothes and tennis shoes wet. By the end of her stay we outsmarted her, here she is in Tommy's sandals (toes hanging out), and Elle's swimsuit playing outside.
Wouldn't you know that little stinker lost interest in the pool once we made the switch...
Mom is making progress and soon she will begin an intensive rehabilitation program. She has remained so positive throughout this difficult time for her, bouncing from the ICU, to Trauma, back to ICU, Trauma, to nursing home, ER, back to the nursing home, ER, etc. She's given me an enormous amount of strength and perspective to draw from whenever life gets trying. I'm going to use the blog to post mom's journey--so stay tuned.
For those of you who might be wondering, the patio is 95% finished. I scrapped the idea of spray-painting an old wicker Pier1 chair I've had for about 10 years, that will have to wait until next year.
My next post will "showcase" the finished deck/patio, I wanted to post it today, but the kids are on spring break, we are running dangerously low on toilet paper and need to make a desperate run to the grocery ASAP.
I didn't think I would feel this way, but I have truly missed blogging. WE'RE BACK, BABY!
1 comment:
YAYYY I missed the blogs! the pics make my day :) my fav is of lil tom man in the pic of the kids eating! what a little handsome guy
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