So when I went to peek in on the girls last night, this is what I saw:

Those crazy gals, both fast asleep in Khera's bed...honestly I don't know how they can share a little twin bed between the two of them, the books, stuffed animals, farm animals, littlest pet shop toys, etc. I moved Elle back to her bed, but somehow she ended up back in Khera's by morning. Notice Elle's fabulous choice of PJs, a tutu no less.
She's inspired me to take yet another trip down memory lane. There's something you need to know about Elle-belly, she is a clothes and accessory-aholic. She's always been that way, here she is at 1 year insisting to put her Nemo bathing suit top over her blanket sleeper:

This one I like to call "Elle Lauper", and YES I did let her wear this to preschool that day, I learned early to choose my battles with my little spice girl:

Those tights and tutu are compliments of her GJ, she really spoils Elle, in fact the longer I look at this photo, both girl's top and skirt combos are also from GJ.
The next doozie was snapped when Elle fell asleep in Time Out:

Next up, another little number she pulled together and wore to preschool, she was so proud of those socks:

Look at that smile, she knows she was dressed to impress that day. Elle loves the fact that layering is in right now, here she is layering tutus:

And this one was taken today during "naptime", she rolled out of her room in this getup:

Elle layered her "gorgeousy" pajamas from Auntie Jena over a dress I made her, she's also sporting her sweet sunglasses from her good friend Dave and 3rd birthday crown from last summer.
Going to go have a glass of wine now, and hope that all 3 kids stay asleep so I can enjoy it. So glad B's coming home tomorrow, we miss him TONS!
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