Here's the main drag, you can't really see the cute little buildings, we went through so year I promise I'll take some more photos.
Once we were back at the house, the girls glued themselves to Bumpa.
Khera had deep thoughts by the water,
while Elle starred in her own cooking show.
Kathy rearranged her work schedule and drove up to the island for 24 hours of fun with our crew. It wasn't long until the girls convinced her to break out the dress up outfits for a fashion show.
Hamburger Elle.
Hot Dog K-bear.
Funny how fitting this outfit is with her devilish expression.
Khera the Buckeye Fan.
Khera Hendrix.
And Elle the island girl.
After the fashion show we raided the refrigerator and pulled out all the veggies and fruit we could find. I can't tell you the joy a mother feels in her heart when watching her children eat healthy food with as much enthusiasm as junk food.
They loved every minute of their whole foods session. We are trying to keep up with it upon return to FL also.
Note: Elle (4yrs) absolutely LOVES washing fruit and veggies in the sink. She saves me a little bit of time while I'm trying to prepare the main course during lunch and dinner. I've also found that if I blanch the broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, snap peas and thicker carrots they are better received.
The next day we took the girls to the town carousel for a little ride.
We also stopped at DJs for a little ice cream.
They have a great little arbor out front with tables so you can enjoy your ice cream in the shade.
I'm sure Elle is lecturing Khera about something here...
Classic Elle Face + chocolate mustache and goatee = AWESOME.
On our last night we headed to The Boardwalk, my favorite restaurant on the island.
If you are a parent of children with food allergies, THIS IS YOUR PLACE. They GET it. I get so happy when I think about my experiences there. St. Pete has a lot of catching up to do...
While Bumpa and B figured out how to expedite our dining experience by deciding their orders, the girls had fun fooling around drinking cool bar drinks.
Khera enjoyed a Shirley Temple, first introduced to her by GJ, and thoroughly enjoyed at The Boardwalk.
The next day the girls and I high-tailed it off the island because Uncle Ryan's Bachelor Party Weekend had started. We woke up early and hit the road for a weekend in Cincinnati with my family.
Until next summer Put-in-Bay, we will miss you!